Sunday, April 17, 2016

#ScintillatingSunday - Claimed by the General - Sara Fields #Romance #FREE

It's time for #ScintillatingSunday, and I have a hot little morsel for you... It's from my first book - Claimed by the General - which happens to be #FREE right now on Kindle Unlimited!!!

Here we go:

“You would spank me?” she whispered. “But I am grown; I do not need to be punished like a child.” She stuck out her chin a bit, feeling slightly defiant.

“Should you agree to work for me personally, misbehaving and disobeying my orders is something a child would do, therefore qualifying you for a punishment as such.”

Ayala narrowed her eyes a bit before responding, chewing his response over in her mind. “You would not kill or torture me for such an offense? I have heard stories, and seen the trials. Slaves have little rights here.”

“I will not kill or torture you, I promise.” He walked over to the table and pulled out a chair, placing it away from the table with a wide berth. Nervous butterflies flew through Ayala’s stomach. What was he doing?

“If what you say is true, I agree to serve you, sir,” she managed to stammer out as he sat down in the chair, a distance too far from the table for her comfort.

“Then come over here, young lady, I am going to show you what shall happen should you disobey me.”

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